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Star Arts Activities

Star Arts has a lot of activities throughout the day. From Morning Stretches to Wake-up singing, and daily Workshops and Talent Shows. Sometimes there are even pop-up activities! Everything is optional and don’t feel like you have to go to everything. Here are a few activities Star Arts has had in the past. 

(For information on the Island Activities please visit their site


Coffee on the Porch
Early birds can get coffee and tea right inside the dining hall starting at 6am.

Polar Bear Dip
Jump into the Atlantic Ocean for a refreshing wake-up dip. Or cheer Polar Bears, while enjoying a warm cup of coffee. (Life guard will be on duty!)

Qi Gong on the Pier
Join the circle on the pier (or front porch in rainy weather) for this gentle mind-body-spirit practice.

Morning Stretch
Wake up your body with gentle stretches before breakfast on the porch.

Wake Up Singers
Our Island Alarm clocks get us out of bed in the morning with fun and silly songs starting at 7am.

Morning Chapel
Morning Chapel is lead by our Minister-of-the-Week in the beautiful Stone Chapel behind the main building.

Workshops 10am – 12pm
There is a “taster’s choice” the first full day we are on the island, where you try several workshops for a short time. And then you get to choose which one you would like to do for the rest of the week. Sometimes you can switch if you would like, depending on how it is structured. Also, you have the option of not doing a workshop and sitting on the porch enjoying the view!

Polar Bears get ready for their morning dip. (Photo by Warren McLeod)


Singing Groups
Some people have gathered to sing in the afternoon. Some have performed at chapel services or the Arts Talent Show.

Workshop Leader Slide Show
One or two of our workshop leaders might decide to present an afternoon show, which would be open to everyone.

En Plein Air
Plein Air Painters might be scattered about the island, or some might be in the Art Barn. If it’s sunny make sure you have a hat!

Social Hour
Before dinner those who wish to, can gather for light snacks and refreshments. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be available. Suggested donation is $5 a night.

Art Barn (Photo by Warren McLeod)


Story Telling
Join us for a night of stories in the same vein as NPR Moth Radio Hour. Stories have to be 5 minutes or less, told ad lib and true. A sign-up sheet will be available in the Main Lobby.

Poetry Reading
Our Island poets gather for a poetry hour, sharing works they’ve done throughout the year or during their week. A sign-up sheet will be available in the Main Lobby.

Talent Show
At the end of the week we have a Arts Talent Show. Short skits, musical talents and general levity. A sign-up sheet will be available in the Main Lobby. (Please note, this is different from the Pel Talent Show which the island staff puts on.)

Workshop Leaders Showcase
A few of our Workshops leaders, may get together to make a show for us. In the past this has included dance, theater, writing and music.

Live Auction
Certain donated items will be put up for auction to benefit the Arts Scholarship Fund. A fun affair that is always a good time and full of laughs.

Evening Chapel
Almost every night we gather on the front porch and then wind our way up to the stone chapel in silence carrying candle lanterns for lay led service.

Late Night
Some night owls may gather in the lobby or Snack Bar for some late night revelry.

A favorite evening activity is watching the sunset from the porch. (Photo by Anne Nowselski)

Other Activities

Some of our Activities are on-going or pop-up. Here are a few things that may happen throughout the week.

Silent Auction
Attendees donate items such as paintings, photographs, hand-made jewelry, knitted blankets etc. that are bid on for several days. Proceeds from these go to support the Star Arts Scholarship Fund which helps brings Shoalers to Star who might not be able to come otherwise.

Art on the Porch
Some people may set up an afternoon art or craft session on the porch, such as jewelry making or small paintings.

Solstice Celebration
Star Arts usually falls during the Summer Solstice, so there may be a Celebration on the Front Lawn during the day.

New in 2022, Star Arts helped supply Pickle-Ball equipment for Star Island to be used for all conferences throughout the summer.

Solstice Celebration 2022 on the Front Lawn. (Photo by Julian Hill)

Keeping Track of Activities

With so many activities happening throughout the week, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. During the Arts Orientation held the first night, we will hand out a paper schedule to help guide you. For daily changes and updates, you will want to check out our chalkboard in the Main Hotel Lobby.

Our beloved chalkboard will help you keep track of the daily activities!