Letter From the Co-Chairs
Dear Members of the Star Arts Community,
Our Steering Committee for Star Arts 2025 is already hard at work and we have exciting news to share. This year we are trying out a new way of organizing. We have formed three sub-committees in order to take the best advantage of our individual knowledge and skills. These three committees are geared up to accomplish great work for Star Arts.
Two very important sub-committees are: Marketing and Outreach and Finance. Members of these two sub-committees are working to develop new strategies that will have positive implications for the prosperous future of Star Arts! We will share more about the progress of these committees later.
The first goal of the Program Committee is to select delightful workshops and workshop leaders. Members of the Program Committee are busily planning together with emails zooming back and forth. They are on fire! Already they have wonderful news to share, with more coming soon!
Each of us on the Steering Committee has experienced memorable moments and lasting memories from attending Star Arts. Now we are all working together to develop Star Arts 2025 into one of the best weeks ever. Circle June 15-22 on your 2025 calendar now.
You won’t want to miss this week of joy!
With early anticipation,
Beth Lilly, Chair, and Elenita Muniz, Co-chair